Economic Justice & Health group meeting
ZoomBi-monthly meeting of our Economic Justice & Health group—new members are very welcome!
Bi-monthly meeting of our Economic Justice & Health group—new members are very welcome!
Join us for the Health for a Green New Deal October meeting to share updates across groups and for the launch of the climate clinic action guide!
Bi-monthly meeting of our Economic Justice & Health group—new members are very welcome!
A meeting for those involved with, and interested in, Medact’s work on the securitisation of health.
Join us live from COP27 for what promises to be a fascinating discussion with health and climate justice activists from around the world.
Bi-monthly meeting of our Economic Justice & Health group—new members are very welcome!
Medact’s Nuclear Weapons Group represents the longest standing aspect of Medact’s work to address war, armed violence and conflict as global threats to health.
A meeting for those involved with, and interested in, Medact’s work on the securitisation of health.
Join us to find out more about the Health4GND campaign and our strategy to build the movement for a just transition post-COP27!
The Medact Rights Research Network Quarterly is a space for us to come together, share our work, discuss new projects, or delve into deep discussion about research that has caught your interest. We aim to collectively develop our thought and research practices.