Across England and Scotland, Medact supports health workers in the fight for health justice. By joining Medact, you become part of a movement of like-minded, motivated and passionate people who contribute towards sustaining Medact’s work financially.
Our staff team deliver 1-1 support, tailored training and workshops, events, research and gatherings and campaigning resources—all for free. If you can contribute to the substantial cost of this work, please consider joining Medact today or upgrading your membership.
You can join for as little as £1 a month, but we suggest that, if you’re working, you contribute equivalent to an hour’s wages. For example, if you earn £15 per hour, your dues would be £15 monthly or £180 annually.
Membership benefits also include:
- Voting rights at the Annual General Meeting
- Participation in collective and democratic decision-making processes
- Option to stand as a Trustee
- 2 years’ free online subscription to affiliated journal Medicine, Conflict and Survival
- Discounted tickets to events
Why become a Medact member?
Support us financially
Money we receive through membership, donations and appeals can be spent without restriction on harder-to-fund work, and work that our movement tells us is urgent and important, not just what we can get funding for from grants and trusts.
Strength in numbers
We have strength and power in numbers. We believe that through organised collective action and people-powered campaigns, we have more chance of achieving change. The bigger our membership, the bigger the demands we can make—and the bigger the wins.
Finding your community
We are a community for health workers seeking to challenge the health injustices perpetrated by systems of power. We believe there is strength in being a ‘big tent’, where a passion for health justice is all you need. Membership is open to anyone who works in health and shares our commitments to health justice, peace, equity, respect and compassion. Our member Callum says, “being part of a movement toward social justice has given me purpose and identity in a time where it is otherwise only too easy to feel helpless.”
Learn, grow and upskill
Member Monica says, “through Medact I am developing a deeper understanding of health injustice, and learning the skills to challenge it”. We offer many opportunities throughout the year for members to develop their skills and grow their confidence in a variety of areas, from campaign strategy to research to media training, and we hold events and gatherings to bring together members from across the country.
Fill out the form to join, and get in touch by email if you have any questions.
Existing member? Email us to change your details or for support with your membership