Coverage Roundup: A Safer World – Treating Britain’s harmful dependence on nuclear weapons Feryal Awan August 1, 2017 In the News, News Media, Nuclear Weapons, nuclearban, roundup, Trident Doctors urge Britain to take lead on nuclear disarmament – the BMJ, July 25 A Safer World – Treating Britain’s harmful dependence on nuclear weapons – International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear Weapons (IPPNW) European affiliates, July 25 This is why we should scrap Trident and spend the money saved on more important things – Disabled People Against Cuts, July 25 Edinburgh CND News 25th July 2017 – Edinburgh CND, July 25 Nuclear Weapons – Electricity Info, July 26 Medical professionals speak out to demand isolated UK respect UN treaty banning Trident – CommonSpace, July 27 With the new nuclear ban treaty, it’s time to scrap Trident – and spend the money on our NHS – Red Pepper, August 3 New international push against nuclear weapons, but nuclear states resisting – Green Left Weekly, August 5