We need to rapidly decarbonise our economy by 2030 in order to limit temperature rises to within 1.5°C. To do this, we need a transformative Green New Deal: a radical but realistic policy platform to tackle social, environmental injustice simultaneously. This report makes the public health case for a Green New Deal.
The report identifies the root causes of interconnected climate, social and health injustice, and outlines the case for five key policy demands: decarbonising the UK economy; creating green jobs for all; combating air pollution to ensure healthy air; providing quality homes for all; and delivering food and land justice.
Concluding with taking action, this report lays the foundations for the Health for a Green New Deal campaign, organising health workers and students to build the unstoppable social pressure for the Green New Deal we need.
This briefing was written by Rob Abrams, Rupali Adhikari, Hilary Aked, Louise Angharad, Rosemary Barker, Fredrika Collins, Ben Eder, Tess Elliott, Anya Göpfert, Daniel Hadley, Andrew Harmer, Emma O’Neill, Bethan Page, Aarash Saleh, Monica Sharman, May van Schalkwyk, Victoria Stanford, Alistair Wardrope, Ben Whitaker and Ellen Wood – members of the Medact Climate & Health Research Cluster.
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