Join us for an exciting opportunity to spend a day with other climate justice campaigners in a collaborative messaging workshop to bring a health framework to issues related to oil & gas expansion, fuel poverty, and more!
At the COP 26 People’s Summit for Climate Justice, 7 November 2021
Alison Reid urges midwives to get involved in the fossil fuel divestment movement as a means of acting on climate change. Babies being born today face a future marred by climate breakdown if we do not act urgently. Climate action is far more than an environmental concern – it’s a matter of intergenerational justice and…
The UK Faculty of Public Health has ended all investment in gas, oil and coal companies. In doing so it highlights the health impacts of fossil fuel driven climate change. Our Fossil Free Health campaigner, Deirdre Duff, shares the news.
The British Psychological Society is divesting from fossil fuels! It joins a growing number of health organisations that are cutting ties with gas, oil and coal. Dr Deirdre Duff reports on their divestment decision.
The Royal College of General Practitioners is divesting from all fossil fuels. Dr Deirdre Duff shares this exciting news.
Health students – sign the letter to the BMA[/button] It is nearly three years since members of the British Medical Association (BMA) first called for fossil fuel divestment – and […]
This is the last in a series of health focused events during Global Divestment Mobilisation week. Please join us at the HUS bar, Liverpool where organisers of fossil free health, the […]
Happy NHS Sustainability Day! A national day of action across the health sector to highlight the important role of sustainability in health service delivery. Hospital environments that promote food which […]
UK dietary guidelines are designed to promote healthy eating by providing accessible advice to the public. But what we eat doesn’t only impact on our individual health, it also has […]