Sign our letter to let King’s College Hospital NHS Trust know that you believe everyone should be able to access the care they need, regardless of immigration status or ability to pay.
The COVID-19 Pandemic has thrown fresh light and scrutiny on our NHS. Alongside the heroism of healthcare workers and the hard work being done to counter the virus, the crisis […]
Medact’s new briefing paper examines NHS charging and the introduction of immigration controls in the NHS.
In yet another demonstration of government departments concerning intervention in healthcare provision, a recent report released by Z2K highlights a new practice by the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) […]
“As a doctor I find it appalling that my employer could encourage me to provide substandard care for a patient because of their nationality. Recently I saw ‘cost recovery staff’ document in a very sick young female’s notes that staff should “refrain from providing non-urgent treatment because she is chargeable for her care and has…
“The overseas team have come onto my ward to deliver invoices to a patient’s bedside. I was shocked that they would approach a patient at their most vulnerable. I’ve also heard about pregnant women having their care delayed or booking at the last minute. I dread to think what kind of impact this will be…