How to take part in our twitter storm.
1. Get online between 12noon and 2pm on 23rd October.
2. Make a sign that says “I’m a patient not a passport” or any other message you want to send to Barts Trust to encourage them to end ID checks and charging. Check out these out for some inspiration.
3. Tweet your selfie. Make sure you send it to @NHSBartsHealth or chief exec @A_WilliamsNHS and include #PatientsNotPassports. Have a look at these sample tweets below.
Tweet 1: It’s time for NHS Trusts to stand up for the rights of their patients. @NHSBartsHealth will you join your staff and your community and tell the @DHSCgovuk that the #HostileEnvironment has no place in the #NHS We’re #PatientsNotPassports
Tweet 2: The #HostileEnvironment forces people to choose between destitution, deportation, or good health. @A_WilliamsNHS a policy that causes this much harm must be stopped, join us and tell the @DHSCgovuk that we see #PatientsNotPassports. @NHSBartsHealth
4. Share far and wide