The draft of the text of the Nuclear Weapons Ban Treaty was released in Geneva on May 22nd by the president of the negotiating conference, Elayne Whyte Gomez of Costa Rica. The text is available here: http://www.icanw.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/BanDraft.pdf.
Members of the ICAN UK network, including Medact, gathered in London to receive the livestream of the news conference from Geneva, and received it with enthusiasm but recognized areas where the central message needed emphasis, such as ensuring legal efficacy. Members of the ICAN community will be present in New York to support the negotiators in their final stages (from 15th June to 7th July) before the fully negotiated text is released.
The initial blog from John Loretz is on IPPNW’s website here: https://peaceandhealthblog.com/