From Fuel Poverty to the Just Transition: How Health Workers Can Join the Fight to Win

Wednesday 3rd July @ 6:30 pm 7:45 pm

Fighting for Healthy Homes! Part 1: July 3rd, 6.30PM -- From fuel poverty to the just transition: how health workers can join the fight to win

Our homes are making us sick, shortening lives and stealing children’s futures. Join us this July for two online gatherings, where we will learn about how and why our homes have become sites of illness, and the political solutions towards reclaiming the relationship between homes and health.

Millions of people in the UK live in homes that are cold, damp, and mouldy. We can’t afford our energy bills, our houses are poorly insulated, and our government continues to rely on dirty, expensive fossil fuels. While people get sick, energy and fossil fuel companies are raking in record profits. 

Cold and damp homes cost thousands of lives every year. This is the direct result of political choices—putting profit for shareholders and landlords above everyone’s right to live in a safe, warm home. 

We know the solutions. As our Public Health Case for a Green New Deal stated loud and clear: we need quality homes for all, fair access to energy, and a rapid just transition to cheap, renewable energy. 

At this online gathering, we’ll hear from speakers on how fossil fuels are powering the crisis of cold and damp homes, how mass insulation of homes and reform of our energy system is central to a just transition, and how organising in solidarity with tenants and communities builds power to force change. 

We’ll share the tools that you need to learn, pressure decision makers, and build the health voice alongside communities—fighting to win healthy homes for all. 

Homes should be a place of comfort, health and security. Instead, across the UK, homes have become sites of illness. They are rendered cold and damp by poor insulation and sky-high energy prices. They are insecure due to unaffordable rents, evictions, and poor-quality housing.

Cold, unaffordable and insecure homes are no accident. They are the symptoms of a political system that produces mass illness and deepens inequalities in both health and wealth.  The root causes are political—and this means the solutions are too.

At these online gatherings, together we will gain the tools we need to take action as health workers. Join the fight to win healthy homes for all, as part of the wider struggles for climate, housing and economic justice. 

In the run up to the general election & beyond we intend to get organised, fight for healthy homes, and win.