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AGM Weekend 2018
Friday 21st September, 2018 @ 4:30 pm – Saturday 22nd September, 2018 @ 6:00 pm
Medact’s 2018 Annual General Meeting will be held in Glasgow on the afternoon of 21st September.
The AGM will be followed by a dinner and speaker event organised with Medact Glasgow and Medact Scotland. This will be a fantastic opportunity for Medact members and supporters from all around the UK to swap ideas and get to know each other.
The following day, on 22nd September, we’ll be joining people from across the world for the ‘Nae Nukes Anywhere’ peace rally at the Faslane Nuclear Base – home to the UK’s Trident submarines. We’ll be providing transport from Glasgow for anyone who’d like to come.
You can register for any or all of the three events using the button below:
Papers for the AGM are now available below.
Friday 21st September @ the Kinning Park Complex, Glasgow
AGM 2018, 4.30 – 6pm
This is the main business meeting of Medact, including reports on the year, election of new Board members, and voting on any motion proposals. All are welcome but only Medact members are eligible to vote.
Talk & dinner, 6.45 – 11pm
In the evening we are delighted to have Director of Nourish Scotland Pete Ritchie joining us to talk about Nourish’s work on food poverty, and opportunities for health professionals to get involved with work on this issue.
Following Pete’s talk we will sit down for dinner provided by local caterers Milk; and also hear more from Medact members about other areas of work this year, and the significance of the demonstration on the Saturday.
After dinner there will be an opportunity to enjoy some traditional Scottish music.
Saturday 22nd September @ Faslane, home of the UK’s Trident nuclear submarines
On the Saturday thousands we will join thousands of anti-nuclear campaigners from across the world in the International Peace March at Faslane.
Transport will be provided for those that want it from central Glasgow, leaving mid-morning for the march which starts at noon.
AGM Papers
AGM papers are now available to download as follows:
Medact AGM 2018 – Agenda
Medact AGM 2017 – Draft Minutes
Medact Statement of Financial Activities for the period 1st Feb 2017 to 31st Jan 2018
We are delighted to announce the following nominations for election to the Board of Trustees:
Dr Margaret Jackson
I am a GP in rural North Yorkshire in a small but busy practice with a large elderly population. I have been a partner for twenty three years. I am also a GP trainer and coordinate the medical student (Hull York Medical School) teaching in the practice. With psychotherapy colleagues I have been facilitating pioneering group work with people with long term conditions in order to enable people to be better able to take control of their health and well-being. I have been collaborating with researchers at Hull University on this work.
I have all my adult life felt strongly about social justice and environmental sustainability. Over the past few years, and in particular since attending the Medact conference “Healthy Planet, Better World” in 2016, I have become much clearer that I need to become active in the movement towards a fairer and more sustainable world. My colleague Angela Harvey and I launched Yorkshire Medact last year and have been involved in anti-fracking campaigns in Yorkshire and Lancashire.
Now 55, I am able to devote more of my energies to working with these issues as I reduce the time that I devote to the practice. I am keen to become more involved in Medact’s work as I see Medact as a far-sighted organisation that ‘punches above its weight’ in terms of what it achieves for its size. I believe that working with such a broad remit (peace and security, climate and environment, economic justice and human rights) crucially enables the links to be made between all these areas. For all these reasons I would be very interested in joining the Medact board.
Lesley Morrison
Lesley Morrison is a retired GP, still involved in medical student teaching, who has been an active member of Medact since its inception and a member of MCANW prior to that. She has always felt passionately about the need to rid the world of nuclear weapons and about the importance of Medact’s work to show that disarmament, development, human rights and concern for the environment are inextricably interlinked.
Living just south of Edinburgh, she would represent the views of Medact Scotland.
Neena Modi
Professor Neena Modi is a consultant at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital and professor of neonatal medicine at Imperial College London. She completed a three year term as president of the UK Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health in March 2018. She heads a major neonatal research programme focused on the perinatal determinants of lifelong health, and led the development of the UK National Neonatal Research Database, of which she is the current director.
Professor Modi has made many contributions to children’s services, and has been at the forefront of reinvigorating the clinical research base of paediatrics and child health. During her career she has served, among many other roles, as president of the UK Neonatal Society, president of the Academic Paediatrics Association of Great Britain and Ireland, and chair of the British Medical Journal ethics committee. She is currently president-elect of the Medical Women’s Federation.
Kitty Mohan
Kitty is a Consultant in Communicable Disease Control based in London and Oxford. A medical doctor by background she completed Public Health training in London in March 2018 and was awarded a PhD in Epidemiology from King’s College London in 2016.
She is the President of the European Junior Doctor Association, which represents the interests of 300,000 junior doctors across Europe. She was a member of BMA Council from 2013-18, has previously been Director of the BMA ,and was joint lead negotiator for junior doctor contract negotiations whilst Co-chair of the Junior Doctors Committee between 2013 and 2015.
Directions to Kinning Park Complex
The Kinning Park complex is conveniently located immediately adjacent to Kinning Park Underground station which can be reached coming from either Buchanan St [ for Queen St mainline] or St Enoch’s [for Central station].