Economic Justice & Health group meeting


The Economic Justice & Health group meet regularly on Zoom to discuss current and future campaigns, plan events, work on strategy and share knowledge. The group is open to all and welcomes new members. Questions? Email our EJ&H campaigner Jordi.

Economic Justice & Health: Welfare & Health Workshop


The Deaths by Welfare Project and Medact are working together to better understand how healthcare workers bear witness to the harms of the welfare system; navigate complicity in a system that is often disempowering and enraging; and how they practice, or dream of practising, allyship with those with lived experience. 

Medact Birmingham: Druids Heath Campaign Meeting

Cherry Reds Cafe 88-92 John Bright St, Birmingham

A meeting for those based in Birmingham and interested in Medact’s economic justice work, particularly our current support with the Druids Heath Build 1ST campaign.