Margaret Jackson

Margaret is a GP partner in a small but busy practice in rural North Yorkshire, as well as a GP trainer and co-ordinator for teaching in her practice for medical students from Hull York Medical School. She has been involved in facilitating pioneering psychotherapy group work with people with long term conditions in order to enable people to be better able to take control of their health and well-being, in collaboration with researchers at Hull University.

Having felt strongly about social justice and environmental sustainability all her life, she has in recent years become much clearer of the need to become active in the movement towards a fairer and more sustainable world. She has been involved in anti-fracking campaigns in Yorkshire and Lancashire, and in 2017 launched a new Medact Yorkshire local group with fellow GP Angela Harley.

She sees Medact as a far-sighted organisation that ‘punches above its weight’ in terms of what it achieves for its size, with a singular ability to make the crucial links across the broad spectrum of issues it works on.