David Pencheon is a UK trained doctor and is currently Director of the Sustainable Development Unit [SDU] for NHS England and Public Health England.
The SDU develops organisations, people, tools, and policy to help the NHS and Public Health system in England fulfil their potential as leading sustainable and low carbon organisations.
The unit helps shape policy, disseminates the best evaluated practice on sustainable development, promotes an appropriate health related response to climate change, and develops programmes of organisational and personal development in these areas for NHS, public health, and social care organisations and teams.
David Pencheon was previously Director of a Public Health Observatory in Cambridge from 2001 to 2007. He has worked as a clinical doctor in the NHS, a joint Director of Public Health, a Public Health Training Programme Director in the East of England, with the NHS R&D programme, and in rural China in the early 1990s with Save the Children Fund (UK).
His main interests and areas of research and publication are: sustainable development; large scale transformational change; health and climate change; leadership; strategy development; underpinning policy and practice with good information and evidence; training and professional development, organisational development, behaviour change, social value, innovation, health informatics and decision support for health professionals, patients and public.
David Pencheon
Director – Sustainable Development Unit (SDU)
W: www.sduhealth.org.uk
B: http://blogs.bmj.com/bmj/category/carbon/ (personal capacity)
T: Twitter (@pencheon1)