Alan Maryon-Davis is a ‘semi-retired’ public health doctor, honorary professor of public health at Kings College London and former director of public health for the London Borough of Southwark. His career-long interest has been in promoting health and preventing ill-health by tackling social and environmental disadvantage. He has been a member of advisory committees to successive governments on issues ranging from nutrition and physical activity to public health research and multisectoral health promotion. He was a topic lead for the Marmot Review of social determinants of health, a founder member of the Climate and Health Alliance and trustee of a number of health charities including the UK Heath Forum. Former editor-in-chief of Public Health Today, Alan is an experienced writer and broadcaster on health and environmental matters and currently tweets as @amaryond. In his spare time he enjoys walking in the South Wiltshire downs and singing with the humorous group Instant Sunshine.
Alan Maryon-Davis