Medact London

Across London, health workers are organising and campaigning for radical change. There isn’t a central Medact London Group, but there are people taking action in each of our campaigning areas – organising meetings, protests, workshops and more!

Sign up to the Medact London mailing list for information on upcoming actions and meetings from our London based Economic Justice work on housing and health group. Or email [email protected] to get involved.

Housing & Health London 

Housing & Health London Meeting

Medact’s Housing & Health Group is organising in London to improve policies for better access to secure and sustainable housing.

We’re working alongside local campaigns in Harrow and Tower Hamlets, fighting for better support for social housing and protections for renters.

We meet monthly, on Thursday evenings, at the Medact office in Bethnal Green. You don’t have to be a regular member of the EJ&H group or a health worker to get involved, everyone is welcome.

Medact London Reading Group

Medact London Reading Group

A new Medact reading group in London – Resourcing Health Justice Organising – has started up and meets regularly in-person at Pelican House.

This is a space to learn together, but also come together as a community and be resourced. Sign up to the Medact London Reading Group mailing list to hear about upcoming meetings and get involved.