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Cost of living crisis media training: We need a just transition!

Saturday 18th February, 2023 @ 10:30 am 4:30 pm

Cost of living crisis media training: We need a just transition! SAT 18 FEB, 2023. Limited spaces – apply now! Health for a Green New Deal / Medact

Interested in becoming a Medact spokesperson on the relationship between public health, economic justice and climate issues?

Giving comments and broadcast interviews to the media can seem daunting, but health workers speaking out can be a powerful way to get our messages across to huge sections of the public.

We are building a network of Medact members who have the skills and confidence to speak to the media about the ‘cost of living crisis’, and how it is inseparable from climate, economic and health justice! Confidence is key, and this training will help you to feel prepared and ready to speak out with impact.

Join us for an in-person one-day training at the Medact offices in London. This training will be led by our Communications Lead, TJ, who will be joined by our campaign leads for Climate and Economic Justice.

The training will go through the fundamentals of speaking to the press and preparing for interviews to make sure you nail your messaging. We will also do practice interviews, with feedback from your peers.

There are 10 places on this workshop, and we will prioritise people who are new to media work and have less experience. If you are interested in attending, please apply by telling us a bit about yourself in the form.

Registration for this training has now closed. Please look out for more media training events coming soon!


Saturday 18th February, 2023
10:30 am – 4:30 pm
Event Categories:
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Medact Office

The Brick Yard, 28 Charles Square
London, N1 6HT United Kingdom
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