Nuclear Weapons Group meeting: February
Medact’s Nuclear Weapons Group represents the longest standing aspect of Medact’s work towards nuclear abolition, and to address war, armed violence and conflict as global threats to health.
Medact’s Nuclear Weapons Group represents the longest standing aspect of Medact’s work towards nuclear abolition, and to address war, armed violence and conflict as global threats to health.
Medact’s Climate & Health and Economic Justice & Health campaigns are joining forces with our local working groups to fight for healthy homes as part of the broader struggles for climate, housing, and economic justice.
Since 2018, the Brighton group has been creating a space in the city for health workers and friends to come together, to learn from each other, support each other, and to fight together for health justice.
In a world ablaze with escalating conflicts, global instability, and worsening humanitarian crises, the threat of nuclear weapons to human life is mounting. And yet, every year, billions of pounds flow through UK banks, pension funds, and other financial institutions that invest in companies producing nuclear weapons, making the threat of nuclear war even more […]
Medact Bristol is interested and engaged in local, national and international issues that affect public health. Since its creation, Medact Bristol has focused its efforts on campaigns on climate, environment and sustainability, divestment, and migrant access to healthcare. The group’s most recent focus was supporting Reclaim our Buses, a campaign in Bristol to bring buses back […]
What is the securitisation of health? A number of policing and counter-extremism measures are embedded by the government into UK health services, which at times require health workers to work closely with the police and other security agencies. These measures risk undermining therapeutic relationships, confidentiality and trust in practitioners – as well as drawing health […]
The Leeds group come together monthly for meetings, mostly online and sometimes in person! Medact Leeds are organising locally for climate and health justice as part of the Health for a Green New Deal network, and also taking action to end the hostile environment, campaigning for Patients Not Passports. All are welcome. Please sign up […]
Our London group is organising for housing and health justice across the city. Get in touch to find out more.
Medact’s Nuclear Weapons Group represents the longest standing aspect of Medact’s work towards nuclear abolition, and to address war, armed violence and conflict as global threats to health.
Join us on Tuesday 25th March for the launch of the Don’t Bank on the Bomb UK divestment toolkit – a one stop-shop for you to kick off your nuclear divestment campaigning!