Happy NHS Sustainability Day! A national day of action across the health sector to highlight the important role of sustainability in health service delivery. Hospital environments that promote food which […]
PRESS RELEASE Contacts: Josephine Head at Medact – [email protected] – 07585 605201 Elena Salazar at Eating Better – [email protected] – 07849 051492 Healthy eating advice must be healthy for the […]
In an unprecedented move, fifteen senior medics have written to the UK government calling for urgent action to tackle the routine misuse of antibiotics in UK farming…
As we are faced with an increasingly uncertain food future, there is an urgent need to take a sustainable ecological approach to our food system. Dietitians can and should play an important role in this emerging area.
This decision provides a perfect example of what Devo Manc should challenge, where decisions are made based on what will be best for an ‘organisation’ rather than for the people and the community within which it is situated.
Today saw the launch of the Eatwell Guide – the UK’s official food guide to healthy diets. Astonishingly, despite major changes in eating habits and advances in nutrition science, […]
Yesterday, Tuesday 2 February, Eating Better – an alliance of nearly 50 organisations, including Medact – launched its asks of Government – to take urgent action on the unsustainable level of […]
On Sunday November 22, during World Antibiotics Awareness Week, 20 senior representatives from health and medical organisations, including Medact, co-signed a letter, published in the Times, calling on the UK […]