• Audio Recordings from Sheffield Fracking Masterclass

    Audio Recordings from Sheffield Fracking Masterclass

    In the run up to the release of our new report, Medact and the Faculty of Public Health co-hosted a workshop on the health impacts of fracking. Audio recordings from three of the day’s presentations are now available.

  • A Critical Day for Air Pollution in Europe

    A Critical Day for Air Pollution in Europe

    Today EU leaders will attempt to come to an agreement on air pollution reduction targets that will determine the quality of our air for the next 15 years. The success of the agreement will, however, depend on the UK government and other member states abandoning efforts to weaken and delay the directive.

  • Contribution to HHR Journal COP21 Series on Divestment

    Contribution to HHR Journal COP21 Series on Divestment

    The divestment movement has empowered individuals and investors to go beyond attempts to influence demand for fossil fuels; rather, people can directly influence fossil fuel supply and the structural drivers of climate change, challenging the systems that lock us into fossil fuel dependency.