This report, jointly published with ForcesWatch, explores and analyses the marketing strategies of the UK military, questioning whether their publicity and advertisements take into consideration the realities of military life and the health concerns associated with recruiting young people.
The report examines:
- armed forces recruitment marketing strategies, mechanics and key messages;
- how the armed forces target adolescents and gatekeepers from low income households and other vulnerable groups;
- current recruitment campaigns – This is Belonging 2017-2019, Made in the Royal Navy and No Ordinary Job.
The report recommends that:
- the UK raises the age of recruitment to the military to 18;
- marketing practices are age appropriate and accountable to United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child and UK policy makers;
- policy-makers create guidance and regulation to ensure greater transparency in armed forces recruitment material;
- further research is produced and commissioned on how marketing messages impact on young people.
Download the report [PDF]
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